Research publications

Sr. NoPaper Published DetailsWeb Link of paper
1N. M. Kavathekar, G. A. Dhanorkar, Vidhyadhar Nalawade, T. B. Jagtap, On the first set Jn(\alpha,\beta,k,x) of Bi-orthogonal Polynomials suggested by the Jacobi Polynomials,Rivista Italiana di Filosofia Analitica Junior Vol 14, No. 2 (2023)ISSN: 2037-4445Web of Science
2N. M. Kavathekar , Gajanan A. Dhanorkar , T.B.Jagtap, Biorthogonal polynomials for the weight function Eur.Chem.Bull.2023 12(S3) 6857-6865. doi: 10.31838/ecb/2023.12.s3.768Scopus
3Gajanan Dhanorkar, Nilesh Nalawade, Pooja Patil, Linear Algebra And Image Processing Using Python, The Online Journal of Distance Education and e-Learning, Volume 11, 2b, April 2023.CARE List-I
4N. M. Kavathekar, G. A. Dhanorkar, Vidhyadhar Nalawade, Distance in Partial Metric Spaces and Common Fixed Point Theorems, Mathematical Statistician and Engineering Applications,, Vol.71 No.4(2022)Scopus
5Dhanorkar Gajanan, Sachin Bedre, Jadhav Keshav, Mathematical Model of Rate of Blood Flow and Diffusion due to External and Internal Solution, Journal of Biology and Today's World, 11(2),2022.
6Dr.Dhanorkar Gajanan,Nalawade Nilesh,Shrikant Jakkewad, Bhosale DattatrayPartial Metric Space with Modulation of Fixed Point Theorems in Generalized Contractions Mapping, Webology, Volume 19, No. 2, 2022.