Vision, Mission, Goals & Objectives (KRC)


To support the institution by providing seamless access of knowledge and research related information sources to the stakeholders in the form of digital, online databases, print and non-print materials for the development of research and innovation skills.

  • To provide the stakeholders of the college the information they need to achieve their highest collegiate inherent.
  • To help the stakeholders acquire research skills necessary for lifelong learning.
  • To promote intellectual growth and creativity by developing collections, facilitating access to information resources, teaching the effective use of information resources and critical evaluation skills and offering research assistance.
Goals & Objectives:
  1. Provide quality education in order to endow enriched academic experience to the students.
  2. Promote technological advances to facilitate teaching, learning and evaluation processes.
  3. Empower students with a variety of skills to develop competencies and increase their employability.
  4. Inculcate basic human values in students which help them lead a balanced life.
  5. Strive for overall progress of students including developing traits like societal responsibility and environment consciousness.