Research & Book Publications


Name of Faculty

Name of paper

ISSN, Vol No.,Journal


Ms. Madhuri Gabhane

Mobile Devices Security

ISSN 2394-7780 Volume 6, Issue 1(XXX1V) international Journal ofAdvance and Innovative Research


Ms. Shubhangi Raut

Higher Education and Inclusive Grown

2394-3114 Vol-40-Issue-35-February-2020, Higher education and inclusive growth


Ms. Ashwini Yadav

Gamification and implementation in education system

2229-3620 Volume-10,Issue-37, January-March 2020,Shodh Sanchar Bulletin


Ms. Shubhangi Raut

Introduction of architecture and mechanism of machine

2229-3620 Vol-10 Issue 37 January toMarch 2020 ,Shodh Sanchar Bulletin


Ms. Sneha Mhatre

Smart Ring: Wearable Device

ISSN: 2394-3114 Vol-40-Issue-35-February-2020 Studies in Indian PlaceNames


Mr. Manoj Sir

Eternal impact of Social Networking Sites on today's Youth

ISSN 2456-2165, Volume 6 Issue 2,February - 2021 ,International journal of Innovative science and Research Technology


Ms. Madhuri Gabhane

Churn Prediction in Telecommunication Business using CNN and ANN

2022, Vol6 ,NO .4 4672-468 Journal of Positive School Psychology


Mrs.Manisha Jangale

Simple facial Image Retrieval process Using Multi similarity Measurements

ISSN 0972-3641,VOL. 26 NO. 3 (January -june, Special issue 2022 Part 8 , 8th june 2022 , Stochastic Modeling & Application


Mrs Madhuri Gabhane

Bw-Xgboost-Nn: A Novel Customer Churn Prediction Framework For The Retention Of Churning Customers

Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results ¦ Volume 13 ¦ Special Issue 10 ¦ 2022


Mr Chaitanya V Mahamuni, Mrs Madhuri Gabhane

Rideshare Transportation Fare Prediction using Deep Neural Networks

2023 International Conference on Disruptive Technologies (ICDT), Greater Noida, India, 2023, pp. 643-649, doi: 10.1109/ICDT57929.2023.10150947.


Mr Chaitanya V Mahamuni, Mrs Madhuri Gabhane

Study of Machine Learning and Deep Learning Algorithms for the Detection of Email Spam based on Python Implementation

2023 International Conference on Disruptive Technologies (ICDT), Greater Noida, India, 2023, pp. 637-642, doi: 10.1109/ICDT57929.2023.10150836.


Ms.Komal Gharat

Crop recommendation using Machine Learning

Mukt Shabd Journal UGC Care List Group-I Journal Volume XII, Issue IV, APRIL/2023 ISSN NO : 2347-3150